Zip Trim Cordless Trimmer & Edger Works With Standard Zip Ties Portable Trimmer For Garden Decor
The Zip Trim Cordless Weed Trimmer is great for anyone who works in the garden everyday. All the RPM power of a traditional trimmer in the palm of your hand. You can use any standard size zip ties, or cut them down for more precision work.
Lightweight extension pole allows you to trim all those hard to reach places and adds the protective debris shield for extra safety.
All the RPM power of a traditional trimmer in the palm of your hand
Use any standard size zip ties, or cut them down for more precision work
Lightweight extension pole allows you to trim all those hard to reach places
r*****i4 Harga:affordable!
Fitur:cukup lengkap buat ukuran alat pemotong rumput yg portable (?), lumayan membantu
Kualitas:cukup baik worth the price
thank u seller! pengiriman pakai j&t aman dan ga ada kerusakan, thank u j&t!
e*****a4 Harga:bersaing
Alat potong rumput nya ringan, seperti mainan
Semoga berfungsi dgn baik
dicky1234564 Maaf gan kecewa dipake ptg rumput g putus2 pake tasi sdgkan pisaunya patah ,pisau blm terpake
s*****_5 Barang sudah sampai, tpi pengiriman lamaaaaa. Peking rapihhhhh
ayuhadi85 Harga:Terjangkau
Bahan/Material:sesuai harga
Kegunaan:memotong rumput halus
Respon penjual cepat
i*****75 Harga:baik
Kualitas:blm coba
pengemasan dan pengiriman cepat, thnk u yaaa
f*****a5 u pemakaian ringan2 oke....
purwanto29april4 Lumayan lah
dikafara995 Kualitas:belum di coba
Cocok Untuk:rumput depan rumah sih
Performa:ada pisaunya
Ini ga include baterai, tapi murah sih
fisgkgxwpc1 Mengecewakan beli disini, chat tidak ada respons. Barang nggak kepada.
Saya tunggu kabar baiknya bila berkenan