Cop a luminous, radiant glow with COSRX Oil-Free Ultra Moisturizing Lotion.
This multi-tasking formula is perfect for smoothing and hydrating your skin.
Taking a mix of powerhouse ingredients and whipping them up into a cream, this airy blend has the luxurious texture of a rich face cream without feeling suffocating or heavy. Offering instant radiance and cooling formula that won’t clog pores, it is perfect for all skin types.
Formulated with 70.8% Birch Sap, this is a thirst-quenching cream that intensively hydrates all skin types – flooding parched cells with much-needed moisture to smooth, plump and restore youthful dewiness. Plus, it also soothes irritated and inflamed skin with its luscious, skin-restoring vitamins. A formula that can restore and brighten skin, it preps your complexion perfectly for the day ahead.
With zero greasy residues, this can go easily together with your makeup without causing breakouts. With a pH level of 5.5, this is the best way to maintain healthy, youthful-looking skin.
[ How to use ]
1. After cleansing, toning and using treatment products, dispense the lotion into the palm of the hand.
2. Smooth or pat over skin, until fully absorbed.
3. Follow with SPF during the day or use it as your last skincare step at night.
f*****15 Akhirnya paket yang di tunggu2 dateng juga yeay 🥰
Alhamdulillah udah cek barcode dan original dan packing juga aman banget jd sama sekali ga ada kerusakan.. thank you 🥰
francescasonnya5 pesanan di terima dengan aman tanpa cacat dan pengiriman sangat cepat, pesan hari selasa kamis siang sudah sampai, pelayanan memuaskan dan kualitas barang sangat baik packaging bubblewrab, barang jadi aman... sangat puas 😄👍
m*****o5 Original pengiriman cepat, tekstur seperti gel dan ada wangi tea tree nya sedikit, terima kasih
puspaess5 Packing oke, harga produk sangat baik, respon penjual baik, kalo cocok terus , InsyaAllah bisa langganan disini . Mksh kaka
anisaputra20075 Kemasan bagus, barang original pengiriman cepat sekali. Kemarin saya pesan, hari ini sudah nyampe. Thanks ya buat servicenya yang excellent😊
nidaamr5 Thank u min udah nyampe produknya, insya allah ori udah dicek juga👍
f*****i4 baru mau make, semoga cocok yappp doain teman teman, hehehe