Celana Pendek Jumper Popok Fisiologis Motif Garis Dapat Dicuci Untuk Anjing Peliharaan
Harga Asli:
Rp 168,668
Rp 62,407 - 65,934
Luar Negeri
Adjustable buckle and good breathability, the dog shorts are convenient to wear and take off, and will not make them feel stuffy, at the same time it is convenient for pets to move. Built-in net pocket, pet pants can be put on pads or sanitary napkins, which can be reused.
Female dogs are often harassed by male dogs in estrus, and dogs urinate and defecate in inappropriate places. These are problems that frequently plague dog owners. With this dog shorts, these issues will be effectively improved. In addition, pet pants are soft and sanitary, to prevent pets from infecting skin diseases.
Made of high-quality cotton material, the pet sanitary pants are easy to wash and are reusable.
There are four sizes to choose from: S, M, L, XL.
Suitable for female dogs in their menstrual period and for indoor and outdoor.
angela.mt.pr5 Tampilan:bagus
Cocok Untuk:kucing
Kualitas bhn bgs, lembut kainnya, rapi jahitannya. Lgs diproses cpt 👍 packing rapi aman walau cm kantong plastik. Harga yang affordable 👍 Semoga anabul Sy mau dipakein ini krn tipe reoq 😅
f*****a5 Tampilan:celana popok
Kualitas:lumayan ok
Cocok Untuk:anabul
Bahan lumayan ok, cuma agak kepanjangan buat anabul saya..
febri_888.5 pengiriman sangat cepat walaupun dari LN, kualitas barang nya bagus dan halus
7e1px1dmpn5 Tampilan:sesuai foto
Kualitas:baik adem
Pas banget...bisa buat loop, buat baju pasca operasi, buat ke dogpark krn hrs pake pampers 👍
f*****.5 bagus bahan nya ,adem , pengiriman agak lama karena dari luar negri
a*****15 Sesuai pesanan, pengiriman cepat untuk ukuran dari luar negri
felicia.angelita5 Bagus banget barangnyaa, bahan ademm
Lucu pas dipakein kayak ngga biasa 😆
m*****t5 Tampilan:ok
Cocok Untuk:anabul loops
Sesuai pesanan, barang bagus, harga murah, fungsi maksimal untuk anabul loops dan mencegah kawin dengan jantan
prasetyomeisiana5 Cocok Untuk:puppy
Ukuran XL nya ternyataaa keciiil sekalii 😔 tp bahan nya baguuss sesuai sm difoto. Thankyouu
s*****n5 Cocok Untuk:mudah 2 an cocok