One of the best mood stabilizers in the world of gemstones,the silvery lilac and rose colors of Lepidolite crystal contains a high amount of lithium,which is also used in anti anxiety medication.It doesn\'t require a prescription and side effects include a sense of calm and tranquility during times of stress and chaos.Call on Lepidolite to balance the mind and spirit, especially when you need to cool off fiery emotions. This gentle healing stone stimulates all chakras, dissolving energy blocks keeping you from true happiness.
stellapruwita5 Keren banget gelang crystalnya. Packingnya jg cute bgt. Thank u!! Seller nya jg ramah
mayoceana9955 Batu nya cantik bgt..setiap Batu nya beda motif dan unik
h*****a5 Nice seller selalu balasin chat kasi penjelasan ekstra.
yindrakr185 Suka banget sama gelangnya, respon penjual ramah dan keamanan box bagus
s*****35 Cepet bgt..packing aman
angelinaai5 Lepidolite nya cakep bgtttt purple nyaaa 💜💜 true purple gtu tp versi muted and speckles nya juga cakep pake bgt.. not to mention benefits nyaa 🙏 hopefully it help me stabilized my mood swings and help me control my stress better from now on