Dog Food Timberwolf Legends Lamb & Herring with Potatoes and Apples Formula Platinum 3lbs / 1,36kg
Rp 220,000
Rating DogFood Advisor : ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Packed with a variety of nutrient-rich ingredients that have been proven to increase energy and improve a dog’s overall health, this selection from Timberwolf Platinum is a very popular choice among dog owners. The grain-free formula of this dog food is made with fresh lamb, raised naturally in the beautiful and lush green pastures of New Zealand.
The high levels of amino acids in this dog food encourage a thick and beautiful coat on your dog, as well as healthy skin and a strong immune system to keep them healthy for a very long time. Timberwolf Lamb & Apples is made with sunflower oil, which acts an antioxidant because of the high amount of vitamin E in it. With other ingredients like iron, calcium, potassium, copper, and magnesium, your dog will be able to live a long time and stay active throughout the many years of its life.
The Platinum range is 80% premium protein, 20% fruit, vegetables and herbs, and 0% grains.
Contains high quality sources of protein, fruits, vegetables, herbs, seeds and gourmet oils
No fillers or animal by-products
No corn, wheat, soy or refined flours
No artificial ingredients, preservatives or flavors
r*****e5 Pesanan diterima dengan baik..anabul suka jg..buat variasi makanan..expire jun 2023.
l*****35 Pesanan komplit. Expired date masih sangat lama. Packing rapi dan aman. Terimakasih yaa :)
d*****p5 Produk sesuai.... packing juga lumayan ... pas smpe ga ada sobek ato rusak.... semoga anjingqu suka sama makanan nya
chrest225 Barang sudah diterima dengan baik. Barangnya bagus. Pengiriman cepat. Thanks!
v*****e5 favorit bgt kesukaaan anabulku.. dan bikin bulu nya jd wow jugaa.. sehat pulaaa.. apalg digabung sm maduu n susuuunya.. mantap petgoods d
valenciahouse7775 Uda langgana beli disini. Harga murah. Puppy pada doyan. Mrk jadi sehat puonya goldenpu.
bkfyyf164p5 Performa:baik
Cocok Untuk:semua jenis anabul
Kualitas barang bagus, barang original, respon penjual baik, pengiriman cepat
valenciahouse7775 Pengiriman cepat. Selalu beli disini. Doggy suka dan mereka jadi sehat. Harga juga murah dr pada di tempat lain. Terimakasih.
bkfyyf164p5 Performa:bagus
Kualitas:sangat bagus
Cocok Untuk:segala jenis anjing
Sdh langganan, kualitas sangat bagus👍
Respon penjual baik, pengiriman cepat, tq
a*****n5 doggy ku picky banget kalo soal makanan.. ini pertama kali nyobain tw dan dia mau makan walaupun masi agak males malesan. df nya juga wangi. next mau nyoba varian lain.