Spray type: Hot herbal aroma oil spray, multifuctions.
Product introudction:
Whitening face steamer is one of the necessary equipment in beauty salon , this instrument was concentrated large sprayer functions optimized for a small home steam beauty instrument, which can help deep clean, but also to add moisture to the skin. In addition to spray, you can also make herbal fumigation, treatment skin problems or skin healthy care, but also essential oils sheet can be put into the nozzle for relaxation and reduced pressure. The multfunction in-one steamre, easy to achieve home beauty new concept.
1. Supplement moisture, regulating water&oil balance, reduce the formation of blackheads.
2. Promote blood circulation, makes ruddy and healthy skin.
4. Skin breathe smoothly, more easily absorb nutrients.
5. Remove excess fat, skin whitening and transparent.
6. Aromatherapy spray relax and reduce pressure, endocrine regulation.
Working principle:
Sprayer consists of a steam generator. Steam generator consists of a beaker and electrical components, similar to the principle ot the kettle, The heating elements placed in the beaker produce heat energy through current, water temperature gradually increased in the beaker until boiling to steam, mist ejected from the gas vents, then forma spray.
Operation instructions:
1) 2-3 drops of essential oil onto a cotton pad, put the cotton pad into medicine cup of the steamer (Note: Do not add the oil directly into the water)
2)First wet the herbal bag, then put into the medicine cup, fumigation about 10 minutes, the bag can be reused 2-3 times each.
kianura125 Kenyamanan:sangat nyaman
Efektivitas:uap panas
Kualitas:sangat baik
Masha Allah ini sih bagus banget utk harga semurah ini , mesin dtg sesuai harapan, walaupun pengemasan nya laamaaa banget , tp puas dgn barang yg di terima , mesin berfungsi dengan baik , menyala dan cepet panas , sempet takut barang nya dtg g sesuai .. ternyata ini bener2 mantull ..!!
ifatsumarja5 Pengiriman cepat dan produk bisa digunakan 👌 seller responsif thankyou
dapursaos5 Performa:uap sempurna
Cocok Untuk:usaha facial homecare spa
Alhamdulillah barang nya bagus no lecet udah mendarat sempurna uap nya cukup panas cocok tuk usaha facial homecare praktis dibawa kemana2 harga variatif yah pengiriman sangat cepat semoga awet sukses selalu seller
e*****75 Kenyamanan:bagus
Efektivitas:langsung panas uapnya
Kualitas:bagus terjamin
y*****75 Kenyamanan:bagus panas sempurna
Kualitas:Bagus sekalii
Harga terjangkau, panas mantap kenceng dan imut bisa di bawa2, suka sekalii, Terimakasih 🙏🏻🥰🥰
vinataviani56925 Efektivitas:bagus
Lucu mungil dan mudah dipakai. Semoga awet dan berfungsi baik aamiin. Thankyou seller yang baik hati super recommended banget sangat amat
meilan_liem5 Performa:ok
Cocok Untuk:wajah
Pengiriman cepat banget. Iiih senang banget liat barangnya. Semoga berkah dan banyak rejekinya. Aamiin.
w*****95 Alatnya bagus ngga ada cacat . Sempet bingung cara pakainya . Respon penjual baik sekali menjawab semua pertanyaanku. Packing cepat pengiriman cepat. uapnya panas juga.. seperti steamer yang pake stand . Semoga awet..
deasalon12344 Cepet banget nyampe nya, udah di tes nyala panas nya oke, Semoga awet.. mantap pokok nya 👍👍👍👍