Frontera late harvest is a wine produced in chile . it is classified as a white-wine and belongs to the frontera family. Frontera late harvest is bright ,golden-yellow wine is full of freshness and pleasingly sweet on the palate and has aromas of dried flower and notes of honey.
Frontera late Harvest adalah anggur yang diproduksi di Chili. itu diklasifikasikan sebagai anggur putih dan milik keluarga frontera. Panen akhir Frontera cerah, anggur kuning keemasan penuh kesegaran dan manis yang menyenangkan di langit-langit mulut dan memiliki aroma bunga kering dan rasa madu.
2019 World\'s Most Admired Wine Brands by Drinks International.
Frontera Late Harvest
Country : Chile
ABV : 12%
Type : Sweet White Wine
Volume : 750ml
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