A ROCTANE Energy Gel contains 3x the BCAAs and 2x the electrolytes compared to our original Energy Gels. They also contain the amino acids taurine (to help maintain heart contractility and improve cardiac output during long exercise sessions) and beta-alanine (to help promote formation of the intramuscular buffer carnosine, which can prevent cell damage). ROCTANE Energy Gels deliver the same combination of carbohydrates and same number of calories. ROCTANE Energy Gels are a key tool for high-intensity or prolonged activity when nutrient depletion and muscle damage occurs rapidly.
Bonking Doesn’t Solve Itself
GU Roctane Energy Gels are crafted to supply both energy and key nutrients like electrolytes and amino acids to keep you feeling strong and energized. The precise blend of complex and simple carbohydrates will fuel you up, so you feel good, longer. Our huge variety of delicious flavors will save you from flavor fatigue, so you can stick to your nutrition plan and keep going.
What’s the ROCTANE difference? In short, ROCTANE Energy Gels are designed for long-duration and high-intensity activities, when you’re trying to up your mileage or push yourself further. But what does that really mean? It means that ROCTANE Energy Gels are packed with up to three times as much sodium (depending on the flavor), and three times as many branched-chain amino acids as compared to our original Energy Gels.
ROCTANE Energy Gels also have extra amino acids: Taurine can help maintain heart contractility and improve
plastikpodomoro5 Bagus
Rapi kemas
Puas saya
Sayang stoknya sisa 1 buah utk gu gell nya.
Bisa re order
Kabari kalo ada stoknya lagi.
piyanlari5 Kiriman cepat sampai,
Packing barang rapih. Pesanan sesuai.
Terima kasih
mariyadimitrova5 Penjual kirim cepat, tapi jasa kirim yaitu ID Express tidak anter paket sesuai tgl.nya, mereka terlambat 5 hari dan akhirnya saya pergi ke gedung cari paketnya.
h*****r5 Mantap gu roctane. Harga lebih murah
dianaand21883 bilangnya exp date nya 08/21
ternyata yg dikirim 08/20
tau gitu gak beli banyak
d*****25 baru mau coba yg inii
d*****a5 baru pertama kali beliii pengiriman cepattt thank you yaaaa ☺️
s*****r5 Cocok Untuk:olahraga endurance
Saya coba pakai di latihan lari half marathon. Efeknya mantab.Lari jadi lebih bertenaga 🔥 Alhamdulillah. Tidak menimbulkan rasa kurang nyaman di perut.
Bisa langsung dikonsumsi tanpa harus diminum dengan air.
danialsyafhan5 Performa:Baik
Cocok Untuk:endurance
Pernah pake ini cocok, seger. Semoga cocok lebih jossh pas bromokom