It Ends with Us /UK - 9781471156267
Toko: Periplus Official Bookstore Rating: 4.9 Follower: 78,055 |
Produk: | It Ends with Us /UK - 9781471156267 |
Harga: | Rp 204,000 |
Rating: | 4.9 |
Suka: | 10,036 |
Product details
Format Paperback | 376 pages
Dimensions 130 x 198 x 27mm | 270g
Publication date 02 Aug 2016
Publisher Simon & Schuster Ltd
Publication City/Country London, United Kingdom
Language English
Edition Statement Paperback Original
ISBN10 1471156265
ISBN13 9781471156267
\'A brave and heartbreaking novel that digs its claws into you and doesn\'t let go, long after you\'ve finished it\' Anna Todd, author of the After series
\'A glorious and touching read, a forever keeper\' USA Today
\'Will break your heart while filling you with hope\' Sarah Pekkanen, Perfect Neighbors
Lily hasn\'t always had it easy, but that\'s never stopped her from working hard for the life she wants. She\'s come a long way from the small town in Maine where she grew up - she graduated from college, moved to Boston, and started her own business. So when she feels a spark with a gorgeous neurosurgeon named Ryle Kincaid, everything in Lily\'s life suddenly seems almost too good to be true.
Ryle is assertive, stubborn, maybe even a little arrogant. He\'s also sensitive, brilliant, and has a total soft spot for Lily, but Ryle\'s complete aversion to relationships is disturbing. Even as Lily finds herself becoming the exception to his "no dating" rule, she can\'t help but wonder what made him that way in the first place.
As questions about her new relationship overwhelm her, so do thoughts of Atlas Corrigan - her first love and a link to the past she left behind. He was her kindred spirit, her protector. When Atlas suddenly reappears, everything Lily has built with Ryle is threatened.
With this bold and deeply personal novel, It Ends With Us is a heart-wrenching story and an unforgettable tale of love that comes at the ultimate price.
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Review Produk
girlvy_19 5 novel nya udh sampai, sebenarnya udh dari kemarin tapi baru bisa ngasih penilainnya sekarang. novel nya ga ada damage sama sekalii😭 karena pengemasannya aman banget, bisa di lihat di video unboxing aku, bable wrap nya tebel banget💗 aku percaya banget sama buku original priplus🥰
s*****r 5 Tampilan:ok Kualitas:ok Cocok Untuk:dewasa Pengemasan dan pengiriman sesuai estimasi. Packing aman dan rapih, dilapisi bubble wrap tebal. Kondisi bukunya bagus, tidak ada yang penyok atau terlipat. Dan beruntungnya dapat harga diskon. Thanks Periplus!
c*****k 5 Tampilan:Bagus Kualitas:ori Cocok Untuk:dibaca oleh remaja dan dewasa produk ori, tidak cacat dan pengiriman cepat
n*****s 5 Tampilan:bgs Kualitas:oke Cocok Untuk:saya hahaha paket dikirim cepet, penjual responsif. ori atau ngga ya udah pasti ori ya kan sopimol, blm buka krn buat kado. tp packaging oke, semoga dlmnya no cacat2 yes
d*****1 5 Tampilan:Bagus Kualitas:Bagus and ori Cocok Untuk:Pecinta novel inggris Barang sdh sampai dng baik. Bublewrapnya tebel jd bukunya aman g ada cacat sm sekali. Untuk pengiriman dn pengemasan sangat cepat dr jakarta ke sidoarjo. Barangnya jg ori. Thanks banget pokoknya periplus
h*****y 5 Tampilan:cantik Kualitas:baik Cocok Untuk:yang mau baca packingan aman dan cepat, siang pesan sore langsung dipacking dan dikirimkan tidak dapat pembatas buku worth to buy, makasi seller
meu101299 5 buku amaan, packingan tebal, kondisi sangat baguss, terima kasih periplus baru pertama kali beli di sini dan puass next tentunya bakal langganan beli buku di sini!!!
g*****0 5 Packagingnya ga diragukan lagii, bubble wrap super tebelll dan dikardusin juga, ga perlu khawatir bukunya knp2 selama di perjalanan. Dan pengirimannya extra cepet jugaaa. So happy jajan buku di periplus!!!
t*****i 5 huaaaaa suka bgtttt!! tysm admin💖💖✨ Selalu puas setiap belanja novel di periplus, karna semua novelnya ori+selalu msh dlm keadaan good condition dan gada damage at all. Trs juga pengirimannya cepet bgttt sehari pesen bsknya langsung sampe.
gardenofb0oks 5 Ga nyangka bisa kebagian ini pas flashsale 12/12 kemarin. Cuma 170rban ajaa tanpa PO. I like itt. Pengiriman cepet, packaging aman. Sukaa bgt bukunyaa