💖Welcome to PetBest Shop, a shop specially set up for pets🐈🦮.
All products are in stock, we will ship from China within 1-3 days.
If you like our products and look forward to leaving a five-star review, if you are not satisfied, please do not leave a negative review, please contact me immediately!
Note: There will be 1-3CM error due to different measurement methods of each person
Note: You can measure the size of your pet before purchasing. If your pet grows faster, you can choose a larger size.
☆PETBEST Designed according to the dog\'s body shape: stylish, comfortable, and fit products
The product is three-dimensionally cut and uses sunscreen fabric, which is comfortable and breathable.
💌we have our own factory
Recommended for wholesale and direct purchase.
Wholesale can chat with customer service privately
If you are dissatisfied for some reasons, please do not leave negative feedback directly. Please contact us immediately. We will definitely solve your problem and we will improve it. Thank you for your support and understanding!
yurui_id5 Tampilan:lucu
Cocok Untuk:anjing kecil
Pantes aj mau dipakein ke doggy, ga gampang kusut n mayan ga panas bahanY
melyanathe5 Paket sudah sampai Jakarta,aman.
Packing oke gk rusak,basah,robek.
Bajunya bagus dan pas,semoga awet
gambarnya gak rusak.
Terimakasih seller !!!
chibicuteshop015 Tampilan:bagus
Cocok Untuk:cat
Produk bagus sesuai deskripsi, barang original, bahan bagus, seller ramah, fast respon, paket aman, barang cepat sampai
a*****15 Tampilan:bagus
Kualitas:Oke sesuai dengan harga
Cocok Untuk:baju untuk anabul
Produk dikirim dgn lengkap dan aman
m*****d5 Kualitas produk baik.. Respon penjual baik.. Kecepatan pengiriman baik.. Thx
y*****n5 Paket akhirny smpe jg, ndk terlalu lama jg sbnr ny sihh, suk dgn bj ny.pas u bela...next akan bli lg....
c*****e3 Barang asli tidak sesuai foto yg kenzo , krg bagus bahan kaos nya kainnya tipis , panas
vinnaschatzi5 Terima kasih barangnya sudah sampai dan sudah di coba ke anak kucingnya, hanya saja pengiriman lama mungkin karena jauh ya dari china. Terima kasih
i*****n5 Produk di terima dengan baik. Pengiriman seller cepat. Pelayanan seller juga sangat baik. Recommended seller. Thank you