KETTLER POWERBAND - ULTRA - For Assisted Chin Up Bar Kettler Powerband ( ultra ) is perfect people who wants to do pull - ups but does not have the strength to do it unassisted . Tie the powerband around chinup bars , then simply step / knee down on the powerband while performing the exercise . Specification : Circumference : 208 cm Thickness : 0.45 cm Width : 4.4 cm
Kettler Powerband (ultra) is also suitable for explosive sprint commonly performed by professionals athletes. Tie the powerband around fixed structure, wrap around the powerband on the waist, then perform the explosive dash.
KETTLER POWERBAND - FIRM This strong band is an ideal tool for injury recovery, therapeutic strength buiding, lengthening muscles to prevent. One of the most versatile conditioning tools available this Power band can be used for walks, squats, lunges, presses and more to improve total body strength and increase blood flow to prevent injuries and improve recovery time. Can also be used to provide body weight assistance for exercise like pull-ups and dips. Size: 1 "x 80"
KETTLER POWERBAND - MEDIUM This strong band is an ideal tool for injury recovery, therapeutic strength buiding, lengthening muscles to prevent. One of the most versatile conditioning tools available this Power band can be used for walks, squats, lunges, presses and more to improve total body strength and increase blood flow to prevent injuries and improve recovery time. Can also be used to provide body weight assistance for exercise like pull-ups and dips. Size: 0.75 "x 80"
KETTLER POWERBAND - LIGHT This strong band is an ideal tool for injury recovery, therapeutic strength buiding, lengthening muscles to prevent. One of the most versatile conditioning tools available this Power band can be used for walks, squats, lunges, presses and more to improve total body strength and increase blood flow to prevent injuries and improve recovery time. Can also be used to provide body weight assistance for exercise like pull-ups and dips. Size: 0.5 "x 80"
Tekanan = 80 - 95 lbs
Lingkar = 208 cm
Ketebalan = 0,45 cm
Lebar = 4,4 cm
Tekanan = 60 - 75 lbs
Lingkar = 203,2 cm
Ketebalan = 0,5 cm
Lebar = 2,6 cm
Tekanan = 40-55 lbs
Lingkar = 203 cm
Ketebalan = 0,5 cm
Lebar = 1,8 cm
Tekanan = 20 - 35 lbs
Lingkar = 203,2 cm
Ketebalan = 0,4 cm
Lebar = 1,3 cm
Berfungsi sebagai :
- Untuk membantu memulihkan kondisi pasca cidera
- Sebagai alat terapi untuk membangun kembali Massa Otot tubuh
- Dapat digunakan untuk latihan Walk, Squats, lunges, presses dan lainnya
- Dapat digunakan untuk kelancaran darah, mempercepat pemulihan cidera
- Dapat digunakan sebagai alat menopang tubuh saat Push Up, Pull Up, dips