Logitech K380 Multi-Device Bluetooth Keyboard Logitech Laptop PC - Putih
Rp 375,000
Logitech K380 - Keyboard Bluetooth Logitech
Technical Specifications
- Connection Type: Bluetooth Classic (3.0)
- Wireless Range: 10 m 1
- Battery: 2 x AAA
- Battery Life: Up To 24 months
- Indicator Lights (LED): Battery LED, 3 Bluetooth channel LEDs
- Special Keys: Hotkeys (Home, Back, App-switch, Contextual Menu), Easy-Switch™
- Connect / Power: On/Off Switch
- Dimensions Height: 124 mm, Width: 279 mm, Depth: 16 mm
- Weight: 423 g including batteries
- System Requirements PC: Windows® 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 or later
- System Requirements Mac: Mac OS 10.10 or later
- System Requirements Android™ tablet or smartphone: Android 3.2 or later.
- System Requirements iPad or iPhone: iOS 5 or later
- System RequirementsApple TV 2nd or 3rd generation
Key Features:
- Multi-device Bluetooth keyboard: Universal keyboard for typing on all your computing devices*: Windows, Mac, Chrome OS, Android, iPad, iPhone, Apple TV 2nd or 3rd generation (*Any Bluetooth-enabled computers or mobile devices that support external keyboards with HID profile. Check with device manufacturer for details.)
- Easy-Switch: Connect up to three devices simultaneously and switch between them at the touch of button. Wireless range 10 m
- Logitech FLOW cross-computer typing: Use as a regular keyboard or combine with a compatible - Logitech FLOW mouse (sold separately) to type, copy, paste and move files seamlessly between computers
- OS adaptive: Automatically recognizes each device and maps keys to give you a familiar layout, including shortcuts. Battery Life (not rechargeable) - 24 months
diasayur5 Sudah dipakai dan lancar (ada videonya). Barang sampai dengan selamat walaupun tanpa bubble wrap dan tanpa stiker fragile. Respon penjual baik dan gercep. Thanks seller.
s*****o5 Kontrolnya gampang banget dan cepet. Tipis banget pun bisa berasa mekaniknya dikit keren sih, buat dibawa2 enak bgt. Thanksss
thinking245 Baguuus, cute, dr device 1 ke dua cepet sih pindahnya tp klo dr device 2 ke 1 yg lmyan agak ngelag, dipakainya juga gampang, packaging ok
d*****c5 Berfungsi dg baik, semoga awet.
Tapi tidak pakai bubble wrap, jadi kardus penyok2..
f*****25 baguss bangett keyboard nya warnanya lucuu bisa berfungsi dengan baik
mayangarta5 bismillah awet, udah dipake semingguan gaada masalah sih. cuman sekali pernah ngelag tapi setelahnya aman.
c*****75 Suka banget dengan barangnyaaa
aqifluthfi4 barang fully functioned. tp sayang packing-nya kurang aman, cmn dilapisi plastik & plester (tanpa bubble wrap, tulisan “fragile”, dll. but overall good, thanks!
caecilia.devy5 Lucu bangeeeet, keyboard juga nyaman dipakai, gampang connected. Super recommended!
diangebo1 Barang terkirim 14 hari kerja, barang cm dipakai 1 hari besoknya sdh rusak, ternyata jg garansi service, barang sy kembalikan ke toko tgl 15 jan 22, katanya belum diterima tp sy cek di JnT sdh terikirim tgl 17 jan 22, sy telp ke toko tgl 24 katanya belum di terima, jd 7 hari barang sy tdk di apa2kan