1.LAN : The indicator light is off, indicating that there is no network port equipment access The indicator light flashes, indicating that there is network port equipment access
2.WIFI : The indicator light off, indicating the device WIFI is not working The indicator light always on, indicating that WIFI of the device has been started WIFI The indicator ight flashes, indicating that there is a device connected to WIFI
3.4G lTE SIGNAL: indicator went out and no SIM card was found
4G indicator light always on, the equipment dials successfully
4.SYS LED. indicator lights out, the equipment is not connected to the module SYS SYS LED indicator lights shine, equipment link module success.
5.POWER Power plug, connected to 5v2a standard charging power supply Standard micro-USB access The network port can be used with ordinary network cable The LAN indicator flashes when the network cable is plugged in
6.WPS:This key enables the device quickly access the machine PESET:Press and hold the key for seconds with the SIM card pin to restore the factory settings PESET PESET:Forget your password or upgrade your dMce Power key automatic boot after equipment is powered on without keys, this function is only R& Duse.
m.z.bunari5 Alhamdulillah pesanan nya sudah sampai,respon penjual nya pun sangat ramah dan memuaskan,untuk jaringan lumyan muantabbbb
y*****95 Fitur Terbaik:barang sesuai dengan pesanan
Sepadan dengan Harga:harga terjangkau serta baik
Thanks seller
l*****05 Pengiriman cepat
Niat hati mau dipke pas dikmpung dirmh mertua tpi ttp sinyalnya susah😟
Akhirnya dipke dijakarta sinyalnya bagus👍
aries.k_p.gallery5 kwalitas barang sesuai harga.. pengiriman cepat.. terimakasih seller..
semoga lancar karena belum di coba..
umamdono5 barang sudah datang real pict pokok e .aman pold.puas blnja di toko ini.saler nya jg ramah.trima kasih shopee
bhadieks5 Fitur Terbaik:jangkauan jauh
Sepadan dengan Harga:ya
Barang sdh tiba, kualitas ok sdh di test, proses kirim ct n kurir ny jga ramah cpt kirimnya.
marcellinol13035 Mantap pesan jam 11 jam 12dikirim jam 1 sudah sampai, Pengiriman sangat cepat, Barang Bagus, semoga awett
y_5tes6p6d5 Pengiriman cepat
Barang bagus
Baru sampai langsung coba
Semoga awet
v*****35 Barang sesuai deskripsi.
Pengemasan rapi dan bagus.
Pengiriman sgt cepat.
Berkualitas ok, barangnya bagus lumayan cepat.
Berfungsi dengan baik, mantap.. Mks seller, mks kurir, mks shopee
ardiyantpikki5 Mantap pengiriman cepat
Packingnya aman
Produknya original, simple, ga ribet instalasi dan seting konfigurasi cukup masukin sim Card internet langsung ngacirrr...