This Moisture Absorber is an electric silica gel that uses the latest PTC ceramic heater, a special efficient heat absorbent with a combination of materials that can regenerate a moisture absorbent. This air humidity absorber is widely used in storage boxes (dry boxes) that are used to store photographic equipment, video cameras, computers, optical devices for both video and audio products (CDs, Flash Discs, stored and stored), photo collection stamps , measuring instruments, medicines, vitamins, medical devices and sealed packages to avoid moisture and mold.
This moisture absorber will store the humidity of the air that is in the storage box. If there is moisture in the storage box or indicate the instructions on the Moisture Absorber that show signs of humidity> 60% RH, remove the Moisture Absorber to regenerate. If the guidance table shows <50% RH, the Moisture Absorber does not need to be regenerated.