Monde Boromon\'s recipe was truly made from the very bottom of our heart. It is made from the idea and philosophy of love, just like loving someone, we will make conscious effort wanting the absolute best, and remains forever, just how we put so much attention and love on the product.
Monde Boromon Wafers is wholeheartedly made by us to create a soft yet crisp wafer thins with selected strawberry
cream. Our wafer is low in gluten and the softness of this wafer makes it melt in mouth. Monde Boromon Wafers is made from locally sourcedpotato starch, strawberrypowders and contains calcium. They are individually wrapped and easy to grab onto. Each of our wafer shape is made perfectly to be held and chewed by your loved ones
This is backed. Monde Boromon wafer tastes great that everyone will love.Â
Monde Boromon wafer is soft and easily melt in mouth which make this a very fine wafer in texture.
riskarianny4 Barang baik, admin ramah langsung info kl ada yg kosong, harga bersaing
h*****a5 Komposisi:baik untuk bayi
Masa kedaluwarsa:masih lama
Anakku langsung pen makan suka
p*****a5 Komposisi:sesuai
Masa kedaluwarsa:masih jauh juni 2022
Rasa:vanila dan coklat
Sesuai deskripsi cuma setelah sampai kemasan kebuka mngkin krena kepencet jd kebuka sendiri tp utk kemasan dalamnya msh aman....
u*****55 Harga:murah
Komposisi:Wafer susu yg enak
Tekstur:Garing empuk
Wafer kesukaan anak anak,suka bgt kalo ngemil ini,saya ga khawatir ,thanks seller
a*****a5 Packing ok
Cepet sampainya
Bakal langganan nihh 🤭
spreipurwokerto5 Harga murah,expired masi lama,packing kardus dan bubblewrap,penjual ramah, udah langganan beli di sini,puas mkasi
i*****i5 Packing kardus + bubblewrap. Pengemasan agak lama. Untung pengirimannya cepet. Kardus yg pink udah ga segel, semoga isinya ga ada yg ngotak ngatik. Thanks.
n*****n4 Harga:okee
Tekstur:ada yg melempem
Maaaf kak bintangnyaa ga full.yaaa krn isinyaa ada bbrp yg melempem jd gbs dimakaaan huhu.. klo exp masih okt 2021 yaaa.. msh okeee bs dicobaaa makasiih
yuli251020152 Dus sudah terbuka, pas dicobain 1 alot ternyata ga bisa di makan
b*****75 Rasanya enak.. merk nya sudah terjamin aman buat anak.. anak juga doyan