The Avent Airflex teats feature an Airflex valve, which moves actively in baby\'s natural sucking rhythm. Your baby will regulate the flow of food autonomously, as if breast feeding, which can help reduce chances of engorgement and belching.
Due to a unique sealing system with a valve integrated at the lower end of the teat, the vacuum created in the bottle will be exchanged for air pumped in by means of baby\'s sucking rhythm. Your baby can suck non-stop without having to put the bottle down. A low whistling sound can be heard and the ascending air bubbles are proof for you that air flows into the bottle rather than into your baby\'s stomach.
The natural shape of the Airflex teat animates your baby to open its mouth wide and enclose the teat with its lips - just as if it was breast feeding. It sucks with the same tongue and mouth movements as it does when breast feeding. That is why it is so easy to combine breast with bottle feeding with the help of Avent Airflex.
This is how you select the correct Airflex teat for your baby
The table below shows you which teat provides your baby with the ideal food flow. Please note that the age recommendations are merely rough approximate values, as every baby develops differently. You will soon notice when your baby is ready for the next teat - it will suck harder and quickly feel exhausted. The Avent Airflex teats packaging features a colour code which facilitates choosing the correct kind of teat.
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Barangnya ud dtg. Original dan mumer. Sehari nyampe nih. Seller ramah bgt. Thx shopee thx seller. Ga kecewa pkonya belanja di sini. Berkah selalu.
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