(1)CREATE A DELICATE MAKEUP - Anti-oil and anti-sweat all day makeup, high concealer, hidden pores, Not afraid of high temperature, excellent effect oil control, from morning to night, the bottom makeup is as beautiful as ever.
(2)A LIGHTWEIGHT, HYDRATING FOUNDATION - Elevate your skin to flawlessness with this feather-light foundation, Moisturizing effect will help you get a natural finish, in a minimal amount of time.
(3)CREATE A MOISTURE MAKEUP - The foundation is moist and smooth, with good ductility, and it is evenly spread, especially delicate and light.
(4)OIL FREE - Clean and refreshing, giving you a comfortable and refined experience,say goodbye to greasy and irritated life.
(5)AVAILABLE IN 3 COLORS - The color number is diversified, and you can choose the right one for you, if you have any question about the product, please contact with our customer service.
inaymaghfiroh03095 Tekstur:kental agak cair
Warna:Ligth ivory
pokonya ini botol ke empat aku ga d ragukan lagi buat yg nyari foundation worth it buat low budgetcepet jg pengirimannya sellernya garcep
sinarceria885 Cocok Untuk:wajah
Performa:untuk make up muka
Foundy nya sudah sampai dengan aman
Packing rapi dan aman
Pengiriman lumayan cepat
Warnanya cocok dengan kulitku over all bagus sih nga lengket after use nya
harganya murce
r*****15 Cocok Untuk:muka
Bagus sihh buat harga segitu murah tapi pemgiriman cukup lama yaa wort it sihh
diankristinaprianingrum5 Tekstur:oke
Cocok Untuk:kulit normal
Terimakasih seller. Barang telah di Terima dengan baik, pengiriman standar. Sangat puas
w*****n5 Tekstur:cair
Cocok Untuk:muka
Barang ori sesuai pesanan
pengemasan cepet
Pengiriman bagus
Belom d coba moga cocok sama shade kulitq
reshafujianti21_5 Cocok Untuk:kulit aku
Performa:tahan lama
Bagus banget, orderannya cepat sampai, next aku akan order lagi 1000000x ini aku suka banget sama foundationnya. I love this foundation yeahhh mamennnn next aku akan beli lagi.
apriliarahayu845 Tekstur:wangi
Cocok Untuk:kulit normal berminyak
Yeyeye yg di tunggu akhir e dtg jg,mudah²an cocok n gk iritasi di muka ku y minn,pengiriman cpt,kurir nya agak nyebelin tpi wis langganan,biasa cuekin aja.tx sellers😉👍🏻🙏
s*****a5 Baguss
b5xv6qwhwc5 Cocok Untuk:semua jenis kulit
Pengiriman cepat. Packing aman rapat. Exp masih lama. Kualitas bagus. Hasil riasan halus dan tahan lama