Obat Kutu Kucing Frontline Plus Cat ORIGINAL 1 box isi 3 pipet
Harga Asli:
Rp 346,703
Rp 315,500
Obat Kutu Kucing Frontline Plus Cat ORIGINAL 1 box isi 3 pipet
Expired = 08/2025
Produk digunakan untuk:
-Membunuh dan menghentikan infestasi Pinjal
-Membunuh kutu caplak dewasa, telur, dan larvanya
-Mencegah perkembangan kutu
-Mencegah perpindahan penyakit
-Dapat bertahan selama 30 hari
Cara penggunaan:
1. Buka kemasan dengan cara mematahkan ujung pipet
2. Teteskan pada kulit, bukan bulunya
3. Teteskan 2 hari sesudah mandi, jangan sebelum mandi
4. Gunakan pada hewan minimal berat 1 kg
Product Use to :
-Stops flea infestation
-Kills adult fleas, ticks, flea eggs and larvae
-Prevents all flea stages (eggs, larvae, pupae) from developing
-Kills ticks that may transmit diseases
-Provides waterproof effectiveness
-Offers a mighty killing force for a full 30 days
Follow these instructions to apply FRONTLINE Plus for cats. To apply, simply follow these instructionsโand repeat every 30 days:
1.Remove Applicator: Lift and remove the plastic tab to expose foil backing. Then peel away the foil. Or use scissors to open
2.Open Applicator: Hold upright with foil side toward you and snap applicator tip
3.Apply FRONTLINE Plus: Part your cat\'s hair between the shoulder blades. Place the applicator tip just above the skin and squeeze. Apply entire contents of the applicator in a single spot directly onto the animal\'s skin. Do not apply on top of the haircoat. Avoid contact with treated area until dry
Here are some additional tips:
1.Remove the cat\'s collar
2.Apply as a spot between your cat\'s shoulder blades in 1 area that can\'t be licked
3.Avoid touching the wet application spot
4.Wait 24 hours to allow solution to dry before bathing or letting your cat swim
g*****m5 Obat tetes kutu yg sdh teruji ampuh. Anabulku selalu pakai ini
Beli di toko ini krna jual freshpack pastinya ori, Hati2 tergiur harga murah di toko toko lain biasanya repack ke botol.
d*****15 Penjual responsif bagus komukatif, memberi info ketika ada kendala saat akan dikirim dan memebrikan info kembali saat barang siap di kirim
Thank you.