The Oxva Xlim Pro pod kit features 5 watts - 30 watts of power and has a built in 1000mah battery. It has a USB C charge port and can charge at 2Amps meaning very little downtime. The included Xlim top fill pod aims to keep you leak free to save your liquid from pesky leaks and the kit is compatible with the standard Xlim V2 pods. It also features inhale activation along with button activation for a simple experience. The clear screen shows you your selected wattage and the RGB light adds style.
Compatible with Xlim V2 pods and the new top fill version of these pods the Xlim pro gives a flavourful well rounded vape which has become a favourite among vapers everywhere. Available in 0.6oh, 0.8ohm and 1.2ohm the Xlim pods perform to the highest standard. Weighing in at only 66 grams this lightweight pod vape features everything you need to keep the cig
ben.bastian5 Sepadan dengan Harga:pas
Fitur Terbaik:authentic
Sudah sampai dgn selamat
Berfungsi dgn baik
Original yg penting
reynaramadhani5 Sepadan dengan Harga:murah
Fitur Terbaik:oxva emg thebest
barang ori dan berfungsi dgn baik semoga awet
ben.bastian5 Sepadan dengan Harga:sesuai
Fitur Terbaik:authentic
Sesuai pesanan pod friendly paling kece dah ini mah 1000mah simple bnget buat daily oke
Packing aman pengiriman cepat seller aktif
kamalbaza5 Penjual sangat responsive dan barang original…kurirnya cepat …mantappp 👍👍👍