PETKIT Pura Max Smart Self Cleaning Cat Litter Box
Toko: Petmart Indonesia Rating: 4.9 Follower: 2,986 |
Produk: | PETKIT Pura Max Smart Self Cleaning Cat Litter Box |
Harga: | Rp 12,702,508 |
Rating: | 3.3 |
Suka: | 32 |
Lokasi: | KAB. TANGERANG |
Disarankan memakai kurir J&T/JNE/AnterAja lebih cepat di proses + sampai tujuan
SIMPLE, SAFE AND SMARTPURA MAX allows you to control the cat litter box anytime and anywhere via the PETKIT app.
PURRFECTLY SAFE FOR CATS PURA MAX has several safety mechanisms as well as excellent smart sensors.
KEEP TRACK OF YOUR CAT’S HEALTH The smart sensors allow you to track your cat’s weight, times of use, duration of use, and litter capacity.
A HANDS-FREE CLEANING EXPERIENCE Auto-cleaning and smart odor removal.
PURA MAX has 3 alternative cleaning modes: auto-cleaning mode, scheduled-cleaning mode, and manual-cleaning mode.
DETACHABLE DEODORIZER TO PREVENT ODOR The PURA AIR smart spray, a detachable odor removal device, keeps the air in your home fresh and clean, so you can always return to an odorless home.
WHERE DOES THE POOP GO? The waste is transported to a waste container located inside of PURA MAX.
FOR ALL CLUMPING CAT LITTER PURA MAX is compatible with all kinds of clumping cat litter such as clay litter, tofu litter, mixed litter, and more. We strongly recommend using the PETKIT Everclean Flushable Cat Litter, which consists of all-natural ingredients, clumps fast and is FDA approved. Be cautious of using non-clumping litter as auto-cleaning does not perform well if litter cannot clump properly.
EXTRA-LARGE CAPACITY The extra-large waste container allows up to 15 days free of scooping for one cat.
TIME-SAVING AND BUDGET-FRIENDLY Save time by not having to scoop and save money by not having to use so much litter.
Product size: 62 x 53.8 x 55.2cm
Cylinder Dimensions: 48 x 48 x 52cm
Entrance Height: 20cm
Net Weight: 10kg
Waste Container Capacity: 7L
Max Cat Litter Capacity in Cylinder: 6L
Suitable for Cats heavier than 1.5kg and older than 6 months
untuk reseller brand PETKIT, bagi yang berminat bisa kontek sales team kita untuk informasi yang lebih lanjut
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a*****3 5 Perjuangan banget memiliki ini, mulai dari harganya, unboxingnya, instalasi gampang cuma koneksinya (tergantung wifinya kali ya), sampai dibersihkan kalo sudah full. Tapi, berkat ini terbantu bgt kalo lagi sibuk2nya atau lg bepergian bbrp hari (1 minggu jg bsa) 😄
sagigittarius 5 Cocok Untuk:yang punya banyak kucing Performa:bagus banget udh pake sebulan Kualitas:bagus banget Bener2 rumah gabau lagi karena poopnya langsung hilang. Recommend buat yang punya banyak kucing dan jarang dirumah
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thedyhonda 5 Performa:sangat bagus Kualitas:bagus
gresicka 5 Alhamdulillah, sangat membantu
susantjung 5 Cocok Untuk:buat yang dirumah pny kucing lebih dari 3 uda bole banget pake ini.. krna ga repot bersihin bbrp x dlm sehari. uda otomatis 👍🏻 Performa:so far so good Kualitas:bintang 4 ya kalau dari finishing barangnya msih sedikit kasar.. kyk box penyimpanan pup and peenya ga bisa tutup yang rapet banget.. msih ada rongga rongga terbuka.
r*****a 5 Pengemasannya sangat sangat aman sekali, bubblewrap nya tebel bgt. Barang original 😍
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