PINKFLASH Pure Natural Care Plus Lip Oil, with 5 Natural ingredients, gives you the best care for your lips!
【Best Care】 The newly launched lip care oil can lock in moisture and nourishes lips, repair dry and chapped lips, and effectively smooth lip lines. At the same time, it can slough away dead skin and help dull lips restore their bright colors. Effectively repair the lip skin barrier, making lips look healthier, softer and smoother.
【Natural ingredients】 5 natural ingredients are added to the lip oil. Among them, sunflower seed oil, olive oil, and avocado can provide long-lasting moisture to the lips, and kelp extract can help the lip skin to resist oxidation, delay lip aging, and enhance elasticity , Ceramide can deeply repair the lip skin barrier and make the lips look healthier.
【Multi-purposes】 This lip oil can be used alone, and can also be used as a lip gloss layered on matte lipsticks to create plump and shiny lips.
【Waterproof formula】 Waterproof formula can quickly form a film on the lip surface, keeping the lips moisturized and moving for a long time.
Others:less natural ingredients —— Ours:5 natural ingredients, effective lip care
a*****y5 Tekstur:cair
Cocok Untuk:bibir kering
Lip oil yg bs dipakai sbg lip care buat melembabkan bibir kering,dan bs jg diaplikasikan di layer dg lipstik agar lbh mengkilat
syalommitha034 Tekstur:minyak
Performa:melembabkan bibir
Cocok Untuk:bibir kering
Suka lip oil ini karna membuat bibir kita keliatan lebih naturaly
lia_honey5 Tekstur:non sticky
Cocok Untuk:bibir
Didnt expect to be this small tp jd lucu bgt, gampang di bawa tp takut ilang kwkwmw
a*****z5 Tekstur:agak kental
baunya manis, nyerep nya juga cepet kirain bakal tetep terus glossy, overall si ok bgt👍
a*****95 Ketahanan:bagus
Tekstur:kental, oily
Enak bgt waktu di olesin ke bibir, mantap pokoknya 😭😗
a*****55 Ketahanan:lumayan tahan lama dan ngelembapin
Tekstur:agak lengket dan wangi madu
n*****a4 Ketahanan:oke
melembabkan bgtt semua produknya bagus, kemasannya jg lucu gitu cuman pengemasan nya lumayan lama
m*****m5 Tekstur:Oil
Performa:Blm coba
Cocok Untuk:Bibir kering
Ini pertama kali coba lip care dr pinkflash
Semoga cocok
Packaging nya imut dan kecil sekali, jd ga makan byk t4 kalo di tas
h*****a3 Pengiriman lumayan cepat. Barang sampai dengan aman. Packing rapi, aman. Harga terjangkau. Belum dipakai
n*****p5 Profil Kecantikan:ok
Pengalaman Penggunaan:baru kali ini beli
Tips Pengguna:sesuai petunjuk aja
Barangnya imut, kecil. Kemasannya lucu. Kemarin tak cobain ke bibir anakku yang kering , bismillah...krn msh umur 5th an😁 Alhamdulillah cocok, bagus, bibirnya jd lembab gitu😊👍
Tadi mau berangkat sekolah lupa ga dipakein😁