Portable Oral Irrigator Water Flosser Dental Electric Floss FC1591
Rp 299,000
Portable Oral Irrigator Water Flosser Dental Electric Floss FC1591
Key Features:
Comfortable design, brush your teeth thoroughly
300 ml large removable dropsy tank, 2 multifunctional spray tips, 3 different modes, 360 ° rotating nozzle
Memory function, ergonomic handle, sealed and waterproof flosser, easy to clean
Safe and convenient, effectively maintains oral health
Made of safe ABS material, IPX7.
USB rechargeable, power display, automatic synchronization, overcharge protection, automatic shutdown after 120 seconds use function; 4 hours of charge per week (twice a day)
Important information
Safety Warning:
1. To extend battery life, please charge it quickly when power is insufficient.
2. Carefully instruct and Monitor children and individuals with special needs in the proper use of this product. Do not use as a toy
Smile with bright clean teeth; fresh air every day; Suitable for braces, etc.
1. Please adjust the water to its lowest level for first use.
2. Fill the tank with water or other recommended solutions only. Do not add oil.
3. Do not use if you have an open wound in the tongue or mouth.
4. Do not direct water under the tongue, in the ear, nose, or other sensitive areas.
- It is not recommended to use the product for people with tooth ulcers, open oral ulcers.
- Please select soft mode for first use.
- Please close the charging port cover before using water flosser.
nadakurniaam5 Komposisi:baik
Coba pertama kali, tadi pas dicoba nyalain bisa, di charger bisa.. semoga awet yaak Aamiin
a*****65 Barangnya bagus, bisa langsung digunakan, pengirimannya juga cepat. Barangnya sampai dengan aman karena bubble wrapnya tebal. Makasih ya^^, lancar terus rejekinya
t*****o5 Sudah dicoba, enak dipakainya dan praktis. Pernah liat dentist dari luar mereview produk ini di Youtube, untungnya di Indo ada yg jual. Pengiriman aman, dibungkus bubble berlapis lapis, seller jg cepat responnya dalam menjawab pertanyaan. Rekomen deh.
mundhiseviane5 barang yang datang sesuai dengan yang di pesan.barang berfungsi dengan bagus.respon baik.pengiriman cepat.terimakasih🙏
celyne.beatrice245 Barang sudah diterima dgn baik, pengiriman cepat, tapi disemprot ke cela gigi koq berdarah ya? padahal pakai yg slow.
ardeliasassie5 Kualitas produk baik, original, fungsional, harga masuk akal, pengiriman cepat.
h*****r5 Pengiriman lumayannnnn baguss, produk kualitasnya juga lumayan, semoga awet dan tahan lama, dan kedepan bisa repeat order, sukses selalu bisnisnya...
h*****r5 Pengiriman lumayannnnn baguss, produk kualitasnya juga lumayan, semoga awet dan tahan lama, dan kedepan bisa repeat order, sukses selalu bisnisnya...
s*****85 Makasih seller
Barang keliatannya dicek sebelum dikirim
Saya coba charge udah full batery nya
Sudah saya coba juga
Oke buat makanan yg nyelip di gigi
s*****45 3nak nyaman d pakai dan isi aor nya banyak muat 300ml jd enak bangwt