The newest iteration in the revolutionary franchise, The Crew 2 captures the thrill of the American motorsports spirit in one of the most exhilarating open worlds ever created. Welcome to Motornation, a huge, varied, action-packed, and beautiful playground built for motorsports throughout the entire US of A. Enjoy unrestrained exploration on ground, sea, and sky. From coast to coast, street and pro racers, off-road explorers, and freestylers gather and compete in all kinds of disciplines. Join them in high-octane contests and share every glorious moment with the world.
The Crew 2 gives you the chance to showcase your skills and rise as a multi-skilled motorsports champion.
rizfiya.collection5 Sesuai info dr anak saya, game nya katanya keren , racingnya bs menggunakan mobil or motor..seller jg responsif , harga jg lbh murah dr toko lain..
hfzharief5 Wah gokil sih ini seller. Ga sampe 15mnt setelah bayar lsg difotoin kaset udh dipacking, ga sampe 24 jam barang sampe di rumah. Pulang kantor lag unboxing. Bravo seller dan jneπππ
meriyamrihi5 Mantap udah sampe kak. Ok punya ORI
Seller fast respon cepat.
pmulazmi5 Rekomendit , packing rapih dapat code Redeem juga mantap
gilanga225 Barang masih di segel, penjualnya baik dan responnya juga cepat
rikoanandaa5 Mantap, pengiriman cepat, respon penjual cepat, pesan hari rabu, kamis siang sudah diterima. Gamenya belum di coba, baru di install
ribenkzgame5 Barang masih segel dan ada Redeem code nya mantap..π
zadnan_12125 barang sudah diterima dengan kondisi bagus. terimakasih.