EFFECTS:Pure plant extracts are not irritating to the skin. It can tighten the skin, clear the breast duct, give enough nutrients, improve the color of the double peaks, make the chest full and full, improve the softness, restore the straightness, and create a full and attractive breast.
USAGE METHOD:Wipe off the moisture after cleansing, take an appropriate amount of this product, massage and pat gently until it is absorbed.
CAUTIONS :If any discomfort, please stop using immediately.
STORAGE:Please store in a cool dry place, avoid direct sunlight.
m*****q5 Tekstur:krim
Cocok Untuk:merawat payudara
Alhamdulillah, meskipun belum pernah coba sebelumnya tapi semoga cocok dan memberi hasil maksimal 🤲🏻
Terima kasih seller, terima kasih Shopee 🙏🏻⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
a*****74 Sudah pemakaian 1 bln lebih belum ada reaksi
Semoga sj kedepannya menunjukkan reaksi yg baik spy BS berlangganan
faridatus87sholihah5 Cocok Untuk:kulit
Manfaat:untuk yg katanya kurang besar 🤭
Masih mau nyobak,krna rekomen dr pak su,ap sih yg gak buat dia
chelsea_cd225 Tekstur:lembut
f*****64 Belum dicoba semoga ada perubahan.
d*****i3 Minta diprivasi tulisannya malah dibiarin ,gimana sih kak
0*****o5 Aku sangat berharap smoga berhasil dg Rtop karna sudah nyoba smua merk produk tp nihil