Self-adhesive Dual Cure, ( self-cure and light cure ) resin cement for the cementation of indirect restorations made of high strength all ceramic, composite, metal-ceramic and metal. When cement is used, additional bonding agents are not required.
Designed for many cementation applications, including cementation of indirect restorations;
-Metal and metal ceramics (inlays, onlays, crowns, bridges, endodontic posts)
-No need etching and bonding agents or adhesives for enamel and dentin
-Dual cell automix syringe system, for consistent mixing and easy delivery, time-saving direct application (two mixing way automix tips, or manuel hand mixing), no activation of capsules, constant mixing ratio)
-Easy removal of excess material
-Excellent bonding values
-Perfect radio opaque
-High and long term fluoride release
-Low film thickness ensuring a closer fit of the restoration
-Universal, white (opaque), transparent colours selections
-Bacteriostatic effect
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