SJCAM FUNCAM KIDS CAMERA kamera anak-anak pocket digital anak kids photograph fotografi foto video - CLOUDS WHITE
Harga Asli:
Rp 791,667
Rp 375,000 - 475,000
*FREE T-SHIRT SJCAM ORIGINAL (selama persediaan masih ada) **
- Garansi resmi 1 tahun SJCAM Official Store
- Garansi tukar unit baru (hanya berlaku apabila kerusakan dari pabrik / Factory Defect)
- Tidak cover kerusakan pemakaian
Note : Disarankan untuk memakai sd card class 10 supaya compatible dengan kamera.
jika belum ada sekalian diorder ya supaya saat kamera tiba bisa langsung dipakai.
We are very happy to announce SJCAM will soon be releasing its first digital camera dedicated for children aged 4-11 years old. The product, named FunCam will not only feature some of the functions we all already know from action cameras, but will also have some in-built games and funny cartoon-like photo frames.
With a video resolution that is simple enough for kids to play around with and learn from, light enough for quick file transfers, the little fellas will have an awesome time taking videos of anything they wish to record.
a*****94 Lumayan oke lah. Tp klo menurut aku.. Fiturnya terlaluribet kalau untuk anak2.. Ato mungkin anakku yg msh trlalu kecil.. Heheh to Bagus sih.. Cute bgt