The K10 Soundcard XOX features the most customizable 16-way echo available for live and basic bass, treble and echo tuning, directly on the sound card, instead of software or drivers like the K10.
So if you are unfamiliar with computer manipulation it is still possible to adjust the bass, treble, echo for headphones based on the headphones easily, but the echoes will still be limited to numbers. 16 certain.
If you want more variety of effects, you can refer to the ICON PRO sound card - with up to 72 surround sound; Or HF5000 Pro / PLUS sound card - with built-in autotune and distortion "off the beat" not afraid of deviation tone. However, if you only need to use some basic effects such as bass, treble, the XOX K10 is a good choice to be more affordable not only in terms of price but functionality as well.
Soundcard The XOX K10 integrates many different jack inputs, such as the 5V, 3.5mm, 6.3mm jack that make it possible to combine a wide variety of microphones without a jack.
NOTE: The K10 card can use up to 2 microphones at the same time for recording, karaoke, etc. but 2 mic is required to be 1 mic connected to a 48V source, 1 mic. Connect directly to the sound card. This is similar to the other two P10, HF5000Pro / PLUS sound cards.
On the other hand, the XOX K10 Soundcard has three connectors for connecting to instruments, laptop / PC / ... and smartphones.
kidzs23525 Mantap bgt Soundcard\'nya, sesuai dgn yg d harapkan..cuma 1 kekurangan\'nya : utk Varian Warna cuma Hitam saja,andai ada warna yg lain pasti bagus bgt.
Tp utk kseluruhan bagus bgt Soundcard\'nya dan respon pelapak jg cpt lho.
Recommend Seller nih Guys..jgn ragu utk order d sini.
bjs.1485 Fitur Terbaik:soundcard terbaguss
Sepadan dengan Harga:paling murah dr semua
Harga terbaik, seller jg super responsive and cepet untuk proses pesanan. Pihak kurirnya agak lambat pengirimannya tp :( but bukan salah seller. Barang baru and super bagus banget omgg suka banget semua full garansi. Thanks so much seller 😍
sulaiamanagus2695 Mantap....brang dtng dgn Slmat paking memuaskan dan barang masih orisinil segel tidak di lepas,,,pokoknya yg mau berbelanja yuk dsni aja..dijamin mntul deh....makasih buat tokonya yah...sukses selalu.
nia215 Barang berfungsi dengan baik, hasilnya bagus sesuai yang di inginkan , kereen thankyou , sampai di rumah dengan selamat, utuh bersegel ...👍👍
mustika_12285 Pengiriman produk cepat. Kualitas produk bagus. Berfungsi dengan baik. Terimakasih banyak.
anonim5 Barang kualitas bagus, dan pengiriman cepat, respon penjual juga cepat, Terima kasih 😁
afrian09815 Fitur Terbaik:barang ok
Sepadan dengan Harga:sesuai harga
Hasil suara bagus ..lebih jelas treb dan bas nya..
Ya pokoke okelah
joko_paripurno4 Kualitas produk bagus, pengiriman cepat, pack bagus, rapi, sementara bintang 4 karena belum dicoba
mhdroyhan5 Alhamdulillah semua berfungsi dengan baik,, alhamdulillah puas bgt,, smoga awet,, packing rapi bgt,, aman,, bublewarp nya tebel,, pengiriman cpat bgt,, top dech pkoqnya,,
idenrosyadi5 Mantap ,,makin semakin seru aja karaokeannya!!!! Aman lahhh