Sticker New Xpander / New Xpander Cross Panel Transmisi - Black Glossy / Transparant
Produk: | Sticker New Xpander / New Xpander Cross Panel Transmisi - Black Glossy / Transparant |
Harga: | Rp 57,553 |
Rating: | 3.9 |
Suka: | 2 |
Sticker untuk panel transmisi mobil Mitsubishi New Xpander / New Xpander Cross .
Cocok bagi Anda yang peduli untuk melindungi dan menjaga panel mobil kesayangan anda dari beset / goresan tetapi tetap ingin menjaga tampilan original bawaan mobil kesayangan anda.
-Stiker perekat diri.
-Tahan lama, fleksibel
-Mudah dibersihkan dengan air.
Aplikasi :
- Cara memasang cukup mudah dapat dilakukan sendiri di rumah.
- Panel dibersihkan terlebih dahulu dari minyak dan debu.
- Gunakan semprotan air sabun dan kain lap karet (kain lap yang tidak berbulu).
- Pindahkan tuas transmisi di posisi N (Netral).
- Ikuti petunjuk pemasangan, setelah posisi dirasa sudah sesuai, tinggal dirapikan secara perlahan-lahan.
Tersedia 2 pilihan warna : Black Glossy atau Transparant
Catatan :
-Pemasangan Sticker Bening / Transparant lebih butuh ekstra sabar dan teliti, dikarenakan akan lebih sering mengeluarkan gelembung2 kecil dalam proses pemasangan agar sticker tampak rata dan rapi.
-Warna hasil pemasangan stciker transparan lebih kelihatan original dibandingkan black glossy.
-Untuk pemasangan lebih mudah kami sarankan untuk memilih sticker black glossy.
- Dalam proses pemasangan mohon sticker jangan terlalu kuat ditarik-tarik karena beresiko melar.
Paket termasuk:
- 1 Set Sticker Transmisi
- Petunjuk cara pemasangan
"Stok Banyak" ..silahkan bisa langsung di order.
TERIMA KASIH,,,Selamat berbelanja
Sticker transmission panel for Mitsubishi New Xpander / New Xpander Cross . Suitable for those of you who care to protect and keep your favorite car panels prevent from scratch, but still want to maintain the original appearance of your favorite car.
-Self-adhesive sticker.
-Durable, flexible.
-Easy to clean with water.
- Installation is quite easy to do, can do it yourself at home.
- The panels are cleaned beforehand of oil and dust (dust can cause bubbles).
- Use a spray of soapy water and a rubber washcloth (a lint-free cloth).
- Move the shift lever to the N (Neutral) position first.
- Follow the installation instructions, after the position is deemed appropriate, just trim it slowly.
Available colors : Glossy Black or Transparent
-For the installation of Clear / Transparent Stickers, need to be extra patient and careful, because will more often release small bubbles in the installation process so that the sticker looks flat
-The color of the transparent sticker installation looks more original than the glossy black.
-For those who want easier installation, we recommend choosing a glossy black sticker.
-Please don\'t pull the sticker too strongly because it\'s at risk of stretching.
Package includes:
- 1 Set of Transmission Sticker
- Manual Instructions on how to install
"Stock always available" .. please can directly order.
THANK YOU,,,Happy shopping^^
#panel #New #Xpander #Cross #Autohold #HandBrake #Black #Glossy #Clear
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