Switch Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town (USA/English)
Rp 552,123
Cultivate Your Farm, Cultivate Your Town - Tame the wilderness of the peninsula and build your farm from the ground up! Gather and process materials to fulfill requests and improve Olive Town’s infrastructure, upgrade tools, or commission new outfits and accessories
Simple Mechanics, Deep Gameplay - Greenhorn farmers can rest easy with the return of Seedling Mode and Normal Mode. Veteran players ready to create a bustling farm of their own will find familiar features and facilities with new twists on classic gameplay elements
A Farm of Endless Possibilities - Clear the land, repair old facilities, and place new ones wherever you see fit. Level up your farming skills and craft a variety of decorations and facilities, from fences and automatic feeders for livestock to sprinklers for crops!
There’s Always Something Going on in Olive Town! - Participate in local festivals as the town comes to life with over 200 unique events! Get to know your neighbors better and you may even find love with a special someone among them
dodiartha5 Fitur Terbaik:baik
Sepadan dengan Harga:pas
Barang sesuai pesanan gamenya berfungsi dengan baik
c*****d5 diterima dengan sangat baik, pelayanan cepat, siang kirim besok langsung sampai, produk original. Harga termurah seecommerce. Recommended, pertahankan yaah
v*****a5 Sangat sangat puas dengan pengiriman dan packaging nya, produk nya juga tidak ada kerusakan
a*****t1 Paket telat banget sampe 2 hari. 2 hari ga ada progres pengiriman. Seller juga ga membantu, malah bohongin gw udah ngecekin trus ngasi gw info yang salah. Akhirnya gw yg abis pulsa buat nelpon SiCepat sampe 3x.
bity.045 Fitur Terbaik:mantap
Sepadan dengan Harga:ok
Bagus, masih tersegel nanti beli disini lagi deh pelayanan memuaskan
lilmissunshine925 Barang original, bagus banget, udah dimainin, berfungsi dengan baik, cuma pengiriman agak lama sampai, makasih banyak ya
d*****c5 Pengemasan dan pengiriman cepat, seller ramah, barang juga bagus banget, udah coba dimainin dan lancar 👍👍👍
sal25915 Alhamdulillah barang sampai dengan selamat! Terima kasih banyak Drakuli yang debezz!!!
8wu8xmaqq15 Barang diterima sesuai pesanan, pelayanan penjual baik. Sukses selalu Drakuli
customdecal_xo5 Thank youuuu drakuli!!! packing rapiih, pengiriman on time.