3 multi-sensory double sides hanging toy & a music & light toy.
An Innovative cosy mat-gym, specially designed to accompany newborns and ease their transition from the womb to the outside world, while adapting to baby’s needs when it grows.
The mat provides an enclosed- comforting environment with an extra padded mat for perfect cuddle.
Comes along with music, lights and lots of play activities.
For 2 developmental stages:
Stage 1: (0-3m)
Draw up the sides to create a cosy mat for comforting and cuddly environment.
Musical toy with 3 melodies - soothing melody, water stream sound and playful melody.
Adjustable arches with unique positioning system to allow easy interaction with baby.
m*****y5 Barang original taftoys, pengemasan cepat, packing aman, jadi barang pun sampai aman. Thank you
ether.homedecor5 Baguuss, ga sabar mau cobain baby gym nya. Paket cepat sampainya dan aman semua. Produk original Taf Toys. Thank you First Two Years! :)
Update: sudah dicoba dan si bayi happy 😊
levatiyasa5 Terima kasih kak, barang diterima dengan baik, seller ramah dan fast respond.