Tas Bahu Les Catino Aletris Shoulder
Toko: Les Catino Official Shop Rating: 4.8 Follower: 507,598 |
Produk: | Tas Bahu Les Catino Aletris Shoulder |
Harga: | Rp 99,000 |
Rating: | 4.8 |
Suka: | 638,203 |
Lokasi: |
"Les Catino Product Information
100 % Synthetic PVC Leather
Style : Shoulder
Interior Details : One Main Compartment with Zipper
Interior Details : One Pocket Compartment with Zipper
Shoulder Straps : Detachable & Adjustable Shoulder Straps
Fabric Inner Lining
Measurement : 23 X 11 X 19 (CM)
Les Catino Instructions:
1. Les Catino is made by special ingredients as we know synthetic leather. But our ingredients are not like synthetic leather made by other bags. Les Catino material is known to be scratch resistant and durable. This material is called PVC (Polyvinyl Cloride), the price is more expensive than other bags that use UPVC (Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride)
2. Wipe your bag with a clean, damp cloth to remove dust and dirt.
3. Apply a little water to your bag, then rub with a clean cloth; Recondition every six months a year.
4. Fill your bag with bubble wrap or clean paper to maintain its shape. Do not use newspaper because ink can rub cloth.
5. Store your bag in a dark and cold place, keep out of direct light and sunlight to keep the bag from drying out & breaking.
6. Place your bag on the dust cover, don\'t wrap it in a plastic bag because the bag cannot breathe (can cause: spores, molds)
7. Don\'t hang your bag, it can leave marks and stretch the handle very badly.
8. It is recommended that temperatures below 25 C, humidity below 50"""
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fathnan.ndut 5 Tekstur:sangat lembut Desain:sederhana tp elegan Bahan:sangat halus Bagus banget barangnya. Saya nyari yg bahannya lembut, tidak kaku. Yg simpel tp muat agak banyak. Ketemu tas ini. Saya dpt hrg 115rb. Sy kira sudah murah. E, pas tas dtg, sy liat live, hrga jd 97rb. Hiks. Tp gpp, bahan bagus. Makasih seller... laris manis jualannya.
jufe7ulia.07 4 Desain:good Kualitas Bahan:good aga lemes gitu yah lembut Kualitas:good Smoga emak q suka ❤️❤️❤️ Tp emg beneran bagus 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 🙏🏻tengkiyu
akuantiiiii 5 Desain:bagus cantik Kapasitas:baik Pas untuk Acara:formal non formal Tas nya cantik skli gak nyesel pesan ini, dpt nya cuma 119rb murah banget bahanya jg bagus banget
a*****n 5 Tekstur:lembut Desain:elegant Bahan:lentur nyaman Ini sih tas kereennnn... Dalemnya lega, muat banyak tapi ga glembung banget. Bahan nya berkelas , papirut premium. Disepanjang pinggiran resleting nya ada tulisan LC timbul.. keren banget.
desri3177 5 Desain:bagus, kereenn Bahan:dari bahan yg lembut Tekstur:halus Bagus dan puas 👍🏼👍🏼
r*****a 5 Desain:simple Bahan:halus Tekstur:lembut Ukuran tas sesuai yang saya ingin Cepat sekali pengiriman nya 👍😍
yulinaz15 5 Desain:lucu imut tapi ga kekecilan Bahan:aku suka bahannya jatuh Tekstur:lembut banget Cakep dech, wajib beli lagi warna lain
yesi150695 5 Tekstur:lembuttt Bahan:haluss,nyaman banet dipakek Bagus banget inii 😍 Untuk kado ibu semoga sukaaa
lana_vio 5 Desain:bagus Bahan:kya kulit gt Tekstur:agak kasar Pengiriman lumayan cepet utk luar pulau, barangny bgus semoga awet di pake dech
v*****a 5 Tekstur:kulit jeruk Desain:simple Bahan:kulit sintetis (?) Untuk produknya bagus. Tasnya tipe yg friendly dipake jalan-jalan atau dipake daily. Enteng, ga ribet, bisa muat banyak. Dapet harga diskon jadinya worth it lah antara harga sama produknya. Sering-sering promo yaa, so far baru punya 2 produk Les Catino. Mungkin kurangnya di pengemasannya aja cukup lama. Jasa kirimnya pakai anteraja, jadi lama sih nyampenya.