Tas CARRIER WEIKANI 60L\carrier 60L\carrier montana 50+5L
Harga Asli:
Rp 395,000
Rp 285,000 - 455,000
*Spesifikasi Carrier Weikani 60L :
- Kapasitas 60L√
- Bahan Asli Cordura Nylon + Polyester💯💦
- Terdapat Tempat Laptop√
- Terdapat Tempat Water Bleder 2 liter√
- Backsystem & pinggang Busa DIJAMIN√ TEBAL sehingga nyaman dipakai√
- Slot Botol kiri kanan√
- Jahitan sudah BARTEX ( DOUBLE JAHITAN)√
Sangat aman & cocok saat digunakan aktifitas pendakian , traveling dll√
*spesifikasi Carier Montana 50+5L :
Brand : sydney adventure
series : Montana
Capacity : 50+5 L
-Material : Nylon Dolby Kombinasi Cordura
Material yang berserat nylon tentuya material yang sudah teruji kekuatannya dan tidak mudah robek.
--Backsystem : Busa Eva dilapisi Mesh/ Jaring,
-Busa Eva adalah material busa yang tidak mudah kempes dan tentunya busa yang empuk dan nyaman,
Terdapat Sirkulasi Lubang udara di Backsystem.
- Frame : Alumunium dan Fiber
Dual Frame Besi Alumunium dan Fiber agar lebih kokoh
-Jahitan : Bartex kuat dan rapih.
is built for all-day adventures where you need to carry lots of items and lots of water. The pack features Camelbak\'s 3-liter Crux™ bladder whose large diameter opening is easy to fill and whose bite valve has a great flow rate. The Air Support™ Back Panel helps keep airflow across the back, while the pack\'s shape and design comfortably support loads on the back. The pack has a few quirks, such as the magnetic bite valve that can pop off, but with a little patience can be dialed into the user\'s preferences. This large capacity, heavy-duty pack is made for big days out away from the crowds.