q5zpa2_pfq5 Tampilan:mewah
Warna:kuning emas nya bagus
Cocok di pake sama suami
Elegan kerren
waynelees1 Warna:I oredered 2 watched both wrong on delivery
Terrible service. Twice I ordered one watch and wrong watch received. Please be careful of the seller Hopeless. No caring are all and then just said order again. Hopeless.
r*****32 Jam nya macet
ahmadjunaidi9755 jamnya berpungsi dengan baik
waynelees1 Warna:wrong watch delivered face of watch was wrong. I ordered gold and black face watch
anonim3 Dah lama nunggu,warna gak sesuai...
maulanazacky7101 Barang tdk sesuai antara gambar ama aslinya ngga rekomen bgt