Thermal Grizzly Minus Pad 8 Ultra High Performance Thermal Pad ORI
Rp 215,709
Untuk saat ini semua produk Minus Pad dalam proses peralihan untuk di sertakan Kartu Certificate Of Origin sehingga ada sebagian produk yang mungkin belum di sertakan kartu Certificate of Origin ini.
The high performance thermal pads of the Thermal Grizzly Minus Pad series consist of a very elastic and flexible surface area with very high thermal conductivity, compensating for even the smallest of gaps between components. Available in a variety of different sizes and thicknesses.
High thermal conductivity
High compressibility
Electrical insulation
The easy to process and flexible minus pads are made up of different constituents, based on a ceramic silicon formula complex and nano aluminum oxide. Thus, the pads ensure a constant, optimal heat transfer.
The lightest of touches is enough to attach them optimally. All pads are ecofriendly and RoHS-compliant.
Specifications minus pad 8: W/mK 8.0, temperature range: -100°C / +250°C
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