{CREATE GOOD STREAMLINE}: Good streamline will create good speed as less resistance,all swimmer will wearing swimming caps,beacuse they wanna to create better speed. Our swim cap is Snug fit for optimum performance which Contoured shape reduces friction drag for outstanding hydrodynamic performance.This swimming cap has durable and elastic surface that provides comfortable feeling. Anti-slip design and easy to take on/off. Professional quality material for every swimming lover.
【IDEAL for Long Hair / Short Hair / Thick or Curly Hair】 : This silicone swim cap extra room for a comfortable fit — short / long or curlier Hair. Keeps your hair locks secure and tangle-free when you swimming in the pool!
【SOFT WATER-TIGHT SILICONE】 :This swimming hat Made from PREMIUM 100% SILICONE MATERIAL. It has hight advantage of stretchy with anti-tear material,no deformation after repeated usage.Our swimming hat can be stretched easily for optimum fit. Skin-friendly, making you Safer and Softer. WELL NOTED: To protect the swimming cap form scratches.
【UNISEX / VARIOUS COLORS 】: Concise generous design,There are various colors to suit most people\'s choices. Keep self warm,the surrounded air in the swim cap makes the air inside warm and its helps to warm the body directly too,hence,the body also will feel warmer.To use a swimming caps as a bathing cap is good idear too!Don\'t hesitate. This bathing cap is your best choice. Now,you can enjoy bath or swimming!
herlinae6215 Cocok Untuk:renang
Performa:belum tahu
Topi renang anti air nya sudah diterima. Coba pakai cukup ngepres. Tapi belum dipakai buat renang, apakah air tidak tembus. Semoga awet dan tidak melar.
puji_wahyunugrahani5 Pengirimannya lumayan lama maklum aja karena dikirim dari luar negeri.. Barang datang sesuai pesanan dan sangat nyaman dipakai.. Terimakasih seller.. Terimakasih Shopee..
g*****r4 Belum dipake. Jadi belom tau kualitasnya. Ntar aku koreksi penilaianku kalok udah aku pake. Semoga bagus, awet n gak gampang sobek. Yg merk sebelah sono soalnya udah sobek pdhl gak kena benda tajam.
Pengiriman agak lama yee, mgkn karena dari LN.
tetimutiadewi5 Mksh paket nya udh nyampe lumayan lama sich tpi gpp ...brg nya bgs aku suka bgt 😍
y*****75 Terima kasih kak...bahannya enak pas waktu saya pakai dan tidak terlalu ketat jadi gak pening di kepala.