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A complimentary feed for cats dan dogs
All animals require optimum nutrition to maintain good health. For some cats and dogs in certain situations, this can’t always be provided through their diet and needs to be supplemented through nutrients. One such group of nutrients are the Omega 3 and Omega 6 Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs).
Coatex EFA comes in either a gel capsule or a liquid pump, to suit the needs of you and your pet. Your vet will advise on the quantity to feed. Both can be given alone or mixed in with food.
Coatex EFA contains a proven blend of Omega 3 and Omega 6 EFAs. The levels are specifically designed to help health in dogs and cats, and provide a better blend of ingredients than using a single EFA source such as evening primrose oil.
Linoleic acid (LA) – an omega 6 that is particularly useful in maintaining optimal skin turnover and barrier function
Gamma linolenic acid (GLA) – an omega 6 that is not very widely available but is very useful in maintaining healthy skin
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) – an omega 3 that is known to help with the many bodily functions
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) – an omega 3 known to support various actions in the body and skin
Vitamin E – a potent antioxidant
Vitamin A – a lipid soluble vitamin that helps to maintain healthy skin and coat
Vitamin D – a lipid soluble vitamin that aids skin turnover
h*****i5 Performa:baik
Cocok Untuk:hewan peliharaan
Respon penjual baik
Packing bagus
Kualitas produk baik
Paket cepat datang
h*****55 Kucingku disteril kan hrs dicukur bulunya,, ini biar numbuh bulunya nnti bagus.. smoga kucingku bisa glowingg lg hehehe exp 2024 msh jauh
r*****35 Kualitas:ok
Cocok Untuk:kucing bulu rontok
Kalo saya emang udh terbukti pake vit bulu ini bermanfaat ya. Awalnya dpt dari DrH, tp krn mahal ya kalo di dokter,jdi beralih aja beli online. Disini respon nya oke dan pengiriman cepat
i*****l5 seller respon sangat cepat, recommended store
sufitri_herdiyati5 Cocok Untuk:vitamin kucing
Baru pertama kali coba vitamin bulu yg ini,semoga cocok n nyesel beli cuma 1 kapsul.