Function: Protect the floor, anti-skid and anti-vibration, reduce the impact of the spinning bike on the ground, and reduce the vibration.
--material : NBR (Nitrile rubber) atau karet nitril merupakan karet sintetis yang tahan terhadap minyak. -------Terbuat dari kopolimer akrilonitril dan butadiene
--Matras untuk Yoga, senam, ataupun pilates yang bisa juga digunakan untuk latihan perut.
--Dengan keunggulan fleksibilitas,mobilitas
--Mat yoga anti-slip
--Anti bakteri, anti air
Produk baru dari Yesoul. Treadmill yg bs koneksi dgn aplikasi Zwift. Jadi kita bs berlari dpn layar mengelilingi dunia. Menikmati pemandang dimanca negara secara LIVE serta bs ikut event lari dan jg kt bs invite bersama teman teman satu komunitas utk berlari bersama.
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-The widened fitness mat allows your body to stretch freely. It can help you cushion the hard ground and help you maintain every training movement
-Through strict safety inspection, there is no smell in safety
-Using NBR base material, the applicable temperature is -55 ℃ -120 ℃
-The vertical stripe design can be used for a long time and is not easy to wear, and has good physical and mechanical properties and wear resistance
-It can be washed directly with water, and can be used directly after drying