PINKFLASH Eyeliner Warna Hitam Anti Air Tahan Lama Liquid Eyeliner Eye Makeup
Harga Asli:
Rp 59,259
Rp 16,000
BPOM NO: NA11211200161
Evenly pigmented + Long lasting + Waterproof
WATERPROOF LIQUID EYELINER: A waterproof liquid liner that uses with ease won\'t smudge and stays in place until you say when! The thin marker-like tip is easy to use even for the least experienced. Its highly pigmented formula gives you bold, even, streak-free lines in a single stroke.
Not water-proof→Improve the formula
no ink→Make sure the package of liner is complete
Give you a bold cat eyes
highly pigmented
Water-proof,high-pigmented makes your liner last all day
To apply, simply shake the product (if using a felt tip–this will saturate the felt tip with liquid), and start at the outer lash line. Sweep the liquid eyeliner along the upper lash line in small, connected strokes, continuing until you reach the inner corner of your eye.
WATERPROOF LIQUID EYELINER:A waterproof liquid liner that use with ease won\'t smudge and stays in place until you say when!The thin marker-like tip is easy to use even for the least experienced.Its highly pigmented formula gives you bold, even, streak free line in a single stroke.
Water-proof,high-pigmented makes your liner last all day
How to use:
To apply, simply shake the product (if using a felt tip–this will saturate the felt tip with liquid), and start at the outer lash line. Sweep the liquid eyeliner along the upper lash line in small, connected strokes, continuing until you reach the inner corner of your eye.
PinkFlash is a Global Beauty Brand. Our vision is to create an affortable and safe quality for every #PinkFlashGirl#. We hope that you have a funny and comfortable experience in PinkFlash Makeup.
Now, Enjoy Your Pink Time, Flash Your Beauty, It\'s Your Show!!
t*****y5 Profil Kecantikan:bagus eyeliner
Tips Pengguna:awet
Efek:mata cantik
Aq pakai eyeliner pink flash ini awet,, waterproof,, bagus.. hrga murah tapi bagussss.. sebagus itu sampai aq order lagi.. buat make up semdiri atau make up i klien.. aplikatornya lembut,, mudah digunakan. Pkoknya gk rugi beli pinkflash.. produk2 pinkflash walaupun murah tapi kwalitasnya luar biasa. Keren.. makasih gift nya ya kak...dpt gift kuas kecil..😍 sesenang itu aq. Makasih kakk..🫰
rachelina245 Pengalaman Penggunaan:baru coba ngoles di tangan
Manfaat:mempercantik mata
Efek:hitamnya pekat
Ini sih bangus banget nget nget, baru ngoles dikit ditangan dan diusap ga luntur. Next mau order yang brown deh. Makasih yaaa
m*****y5 Efek:bikin mata jadi tajam
Manfaat:untuk mempertajam bagian kelopak mata
Pengalaman Penggunaan:bagus
Terimakasih seller.. mudah di aplikasikan harga terjangkau, kualitas juga baguss pokoknya mantap
fani.d.pu35 Pengalaman Penggunaan:pemula(baru mau coba)😁
Efek:belum dicoba
Kemasan:cantikkk ✨️
Pengiriman lama but it\'s okey 👍
Packaging aman+double bubble wrap 👌
Harga murah kualitas okeee ✨️
Kemasann eyelinernya cantiik 💓
Baru mau coba pake pink flash eyeliner,semoga bguss 🫰
Thx U Seller 🤗
jeshil295 Pengalaman Penggunaan:belum di coba
Manfaat:mmpertegas mata
Pengiriman cepat penjual amanah
g*****a5 Performa:smoga awet
Tekstur:lgsg jadi
Cocok Untuk:pemula
Dipake lgsg ky nyatu sm kulit..klihatan lbh cantik..mudah dipake juga..
Bagus bgt pok.nya..mksih ya..
d*****15 Ketahanan:blm coba
Kenyamanan aplikator:pas
yeay mw coba merk baru..semoga cuco ya..semau kemasan bagus .packing aman keren..smg lancar terus ka
i*****25 Barang sesuai, packing aman rapi, bubble wrapnya ga main2 tebel , pengiriman cepat. Respon penjual ramah..josssss pokoknyaa
allyn_aulia5 Tekstur:eyeliner spidol
Cocok Untuk:semua mahluk hidup
Uwow keren bgt dia kokoh dan pekat bgt warnanya. Ga gampang luntur jg. Love
p*****a5 eyelinernya awet banget dan kuasnya enak ujungnya lancip jd bisa bikin ujung yg bagus
cm kdg tutupnya suka kebuka kl d taruh d pouch pdhl ga d apa”in juga loh. trs kmrn cb d tangan hampir 2hr ga ilang pdhl juga ke gosok sabunan tp ga yg gosok kasar gt ttp stay dia pdhl juga kena hand sanitizer sering ttp stay